What is Wildlife Forensics?
Wildlife forensics is the application of science to legal cases involving wildlife. This field uses scientific procedures to investigate wildlife-related crimes involving the exotic pet trade, poaching, other illegal hunting activities, and even oil spills.
What is a Wildlife Forensics Specialist?
A wildlife forensics specialist is a scientist who uses chemical techniques to investigate wildlife crimes. These scientists analyze animals, animal parts and products, and other evidence collected by wildlife inspectors and other officials.
What Does a Wildlife Forensics Specialist Do?
Wildlife forensic specialists may collect evidence from wildlife inspectors and fish and game wardens, and work with them to investigate and prosecute crimes. They identify the species to which an animal, part, or product belongs, and may be required to determine a cause of death. They examine physical evidence from items, suspects, and crime scenes to identify links. They may be called upon to testify as expert witnesses in court.
Where Does a Wildlife Forensics Specialist Work?
Most wildlife forensic specialists work for federal and state wildlife agencies. They spend most of their time in laboratories. Forensic scientists may wear safety equipment such as goggles to prevent injury, or gloves to avoid contaminating samples. They may occasionally need to collect samples or examine a crime scene in the field. They usually keep standard working hours.
What is the Average Wildlife Forensics Specialist Salary?
Forensic science technicians earned a median salary of $60,590 as of May 2020.*
What is the Job Demand for Wildlife Forensics Specialists?
The job demand for forensic science technicians is expected to increase by 16 percent between 2020 and 2030 - that's much faster than the average for all occupations.* Job growth will depend on the area of specialty. Since wildlife forensic science is a relatively new and very small field, the number of new jobs will be limited. Opportunities will depend largely on government funding.
How Do I Get a Wildlife Forensics Specialist Degree?
Forensic scientists need at least a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, physics, or a related natural science from a program accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission. A solid background in math and statistics is also important.
Many forensic scientists also have master's and doctoral degrees in forensic science. Earning an advanced degree is an excellent career investment that can lead to promotions and additional employment opportunities.
On-the-job training may be required for those who investigate crime scenes and work in labs. Forensic scientists may need to pass an exam before they can work on cases independently or testify in court. They must also participate in professional development to keep up with scientific and technological advances in the field.
Various optional licenses and certifications are available to enhance the credentials of forensic scientists. They may vary by jurisdiction.
Certification as a Wildlife Forensic Scientist is available from the Society for Wildlife Forensic Science. Optional certification demonstrates expertise to courts and potential employers. Certification requires possession of a bachelor's degree, one year of casework experience, submitting a letter of recommendation, and passing an annual exam.
Voluntary certification in criminalistics (the branch of forensic science dealing with crimes) is also available from the American Board of Criminalistics. Practitioners can demonstrate their proficiency by passing multiple choice examinations in various professional procedures, including:
- Drug analysis
- Crime scene reconstruction
- Firearms and toolmarks
- Molecular biology and DNA
- Fire debris and explosives
- Photography
- Trace evidence
- Safety
Wildlife Forensics Related Degrees
What Kind of Societies and Professional Organizations Do Wildlife Forensics Specialists Have?
- The Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (SWFS) is a fairly new organization that aims to advance and standardize wildlife forensic practices and procedures. Formed in 2009, SWFS offers professional certification and proficiency testing. It's an excellent source for industry news, events, and job openings.
- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is a bureau within the Federal Government's Department of the Interior. FWS ensures that all wildlife laws and restoration projects are being properly enforced and executed. It's not only a great resource for current wildlife laws, but also a source of federal employment. FWS even has its own Forensics Laboratory.
- The American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) is the foremost professional association for forensic scientists of all stripes in the United States. AAFS organizes meetings and hosts a range of resources including a reference library, videos, and webinars.
- The American Board of Criminalistics (ABC) is an umbrella organization for national and regional forensic science societies. ABC administers optional certification examinations, proficiency testing, and study guides for practitioners.
*2020 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary figures and job growth projections for forensic science technicians reflect national data not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed September 2021.